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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day 6 -- HCG Diet

Earlier this morning, I daydreamed smelling Cinnamon Raisin Bagels.

When one "daydreams a smell", it is when you are suddenly hit with a fabricated scent that your brain is sending to your nostrils. I literally sat at my desk and had to convince myself that there were no bagels around and that it was all in my head even though I actually could taste it in my mind.

It is funny how powerful the mind can be when you are on a low-calorie, very strict diet. But overall, I am feeling well. I feel hungry at times but not horribly starving nor do I have my usual headache that accompanies my hunger. I did a little exercise on Sunday and felt great afterwards and generally have been monitoring my food intake, trying to stay within the guidelines of this madness. But I must admit that I am enjoying finding creative ways of cooking without certain ingredients (no oil with the Tilapia? Use Chardonnay!) and find that once I can get passed the breakfast hunger, that lunch and dinner becomes easier! 39 days left!

  • Weight lost thus far = 3.6 lbs since Saturday (today is Tuesday)
  • Take measurements of my waist, arm & thigh = To be done on Thursday
  • Abiding by daily doses of HCG drops = check
  • Any aches or pains? Nope, just occasional hunger
  • Cups of water today thus far = 2
  • Any cheating = Burger bun on Sunday, 1 beer*, Sprite (with my vodka)
*I'm not sure if beer is allowed; I will have to research this.

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