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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Day 1 -- HCG Diet

I have a new respect for those dieters on those late night commercials that offer up their pre- and post- diet figures in pictures for the nation to see. I had to take pictures of myself this morning and would dare not post them on this blog, much less for television viewers! How do they muster up the courage to do it?!

Today I began the HCG Diet. It is a low-calorie intake, very strict diet that will last for a minimum of 15 days but a maximum of 45 days. I am shooting for 45. The only reason I may cut this short is due to an upcoming trip to Las Vegas. I just might need all of my calories for that trip...

As the saying goes, so far so good! But then again, today and tomorrow are the "indulge days": I get to load up on all of the carbs, sugars, bad-for-you pizza and late-night-ice cream cravings I want! Come day 3, I may be singing a different tune, we will see.

Today's tasks:
  • Weigh myself in the morning = check
  • Take measurements of my waist, arm & thigh = check
  • Take the daily dose of HCG Diet drops = check*
  • Any aches or pains? Minimal stomach cramping that lasted 3-5 minutes
  • Drink lots of water = check
  • Eat lots of crap = check far, so good!

*My third dose of drops are to be taken this evening

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